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'An honor: Bromley Armstrong and his wife, Marlene, admire plaque presented to him by the Jamaican-Canadian Association at testimonial dinner Saturday. Armstrong was honored for his service to minority groups and his tireless fight against…
A popular flea market with vendors that catered to the multicultural population of West Toronto.
A popular flea market with vendors that catered to the multicultural population of Scarborough.

A local shopping mall in the Lawrence Heights neighbourhood features local small merchants big box stores and office space.
”An unknown in the industry... Beverly Mascoll then convinced U.S. manufacturer Johnson Products to grant her the rights to be the company’s first and only Canadian distributor.”
Popular Jamaican/Caribbean/African American fusion restaurant and artistic space. Created by Carl Cassell.
”The Hope SDA church (formerly called Faith SDA) and the Mt. Olive SDA church-- both of which were formed in 1990 are testaments of the hard work of a few who understood that working for God meant winning souls for the Kingdom.”

”This church started after the original congregation moved to Albion Road.”

”April 4 1990 was a momentous day for the Maranatha group when the Ontario Conference voted the group as a Church Company with a membership of 29. Full church status was conferred on the group on March 30
”The members met in various rented facilities until the church at 235 Poplar Road was purchased.”
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