

This database is part of my on-going digital exhibition, Islands in the North. 

The items I have collected come from various sources from local community newspapers to Instagram posts. I make this contribution to the archive as a way to increase the voices from the Black Caribbean community in Toronto, Canada, but to also make this collection of artifacts accessible to everyone outside of academia. 

Please cite the items in the database, and attribute it to M. Hyacinth Gaynair and IslandsintheNorth.com. 

This digital project (re)creates the space and place of Black Caribbean/West Indian immigrants in postwar twentieth century Toronto, Canada. With the intentions of creating an ongoing public historical archive, M. Hyacinth Gaynair uses spatial analytic software to transform analog documents into a multidimensional interactive mapping exhibition. Inserting pieces of oral narratives, music, advertisements and photographs, Islands in the North makes space for “blackness” in Canadian and Black Atlantic scholarship.

Islands in the North by M. Hyacinth Gaynair is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://about.islandsinthenorth.com/.